Cider is one of the oldest drinks in the world. Its agricultural identity is not to be neglected. It is part of the agricultural and culinary heritage. This article gives us information about the intrinsic quality of cider and some cider cocktails.
Intrinsic quality of cider
The way it is made is very important to the type of cider one is looking for. For consumers who know about cider, its intrinsic quality is also important. We have traditional cider, farm cider and artisanal cider. The traditional cider is obtained only from cider apples. The filtration is not strong, so that the cider has a natural cloudiness. The farm cider is always a pure juice. It is produced on the farm only from the fruits of the farmer's orchard. The artisanal cider is produced on a farm, but the fruit used for the production can be bought from other farmers. In order to make cocktails and enjoy the flavor of the cider, you need to know its name. Maison-Sassy gives you several recipes on cocktails. Click on the link to learn more.
Cider expert-inspired cocktails
We have two categories of cocktails: classic and expert-inspired. Among the expert-inspired cocktails is the Shanghai Gimlet (La Sulfureuse), which is made with Ganbridge gin, orange and lemon zest, honey, ginger, lemongrass and cloves. The Father & Fizz (La Sulfureuse) made with apple vodka, lime, Chardonnay juice and Bergamot liqueur. There are other cocktails inspired by cider experts such as the Poetic Justice, the Psycho, the Corpse Reviver, the Kunsei, The Lady of Paris...

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